Video "back jump" using WebRTC in webview on Android 10

In one specifik android tablet product, we experince the video calls have continues video back jumps. mening that every 1 or 2 seconds, the transmission jumps back/replays/resyncs about 0.5 seconds and continues for another 1-2 seconds and jumps again back again.
(Video recording of the incident can be forwarded)

On our remaining android tablet products, we dont have this problem.

Can you guide us on this problem or suggest where to get support?

The platfrom used is MEDCOM-Denmark.

Best regards
Jan Kildelund - PowerNet

Hi Jan,

I never experienced a similar behavior, but I have some questions:

  • What is the tablet model?
  • Is it happening in the Self View or in the remote video?

I think that maybe the best approach to solve this problem is to open a ticket to our support service. They will know exactly your specific use case and will be able to help you.

Here is the link to our support system: