When connect to CVI, we see connected image as the followings,
But some time image1 and some time image2.
It seems that the same display is not displayed according to same scenario.
What happen this that time?
Hi Yoshi,
First of all, welcome to the Pexip Community.
The first image correspond to an ongoing conference, although nobody is sharing their camera.
The second scenario is from a conference that is not started yet and the guest user is waiting for the host to admit him.
It’s difficult to understand what is going on without more information, although, for this case in particular, is better to contact the Support Service directly. They will know better your needs and what it’s needed to solve the issue. You can contact support in the following link: https://support.pexip.com/
Let me know if I can help you with something else.
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Hi Marcos,
Thank you for your reply.
I will try to contact support.
Thanks and Best regards,
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