Sample PexRTC Client Meeting Assistant to control a Pexip meeting via a PexRTC API control user.
The example illustrates the power of the Pexip javascript client api and without middleware to manage a Pexip conference. The Pexip PexRTC javascript implementation is essentially a wrapper for the CLIENT REST API without the need to manage access token and timers.
Features include;
- Start\Lock\Change Layout\Change Meeting Indicators\Dial-Out
- View Participant Roster (searchable)
- Mute\Admit\Disconnect\Spotlight\DTMF\Make Host\Change Display Name - per Participant
- Layout Overrides\Order Spotlighted users (drag and drop /right click to remove)
- Unsupported Breakout Rooms API (legacy) will be updated in Infinity V33 (tech-preview)
Provided as is in Javascript/HTML/CSS
- api user must be a host of the conference
- maximum limit of 10 concurrent api sessions can be used within a single conference
- you must reference your own Pexip server specific pexrtc.js instance (platform version specific)
Reference: PexRTC JavaScript client API | Pexip Infinity Docs
Code example: GitHub - gregwalker-pexip/meetingAssistant: PexRTC Meeting Assitant