Cisco Macro Tool for Bulk Actions

Cisco Macro Tool For PowerShell

The Cisco Macro Tool For PowerShell is a script-based tool designed to manage macros on Cisco systems using only built-in PowerShell cmdlets. The tool offers 4 primary functions and 2 secondary functions. The primary functions are uploading Pexip OTJ macros, uploading .js macros, removing macros, and removing UI extensions. The secondary functions are the ability to check all macros on a single system or all macros on all systems. Each function generates logs to help you keep track of operations and any issues that may arise.

All required files can be found on my Github repo. Here

Cisco Macro Tool For PowerShell

Note: This is not an official Pexip or Cisco Tool. This is a community tool.

Note: Certificate validation is set to bypass by default when connecting to systems


  • Upload Pexip OTJ macros: Upload and manage Pexip OTJ macros from ZIP files.
  • Upload .js macros: Upload and manage macros from .js files.
  • Remove macros: Remove specified macros from Cisco systems.
  • Remove UI Extensions: Remove specified UI Extension Panels from Cisco systems
  • Check macros on a specific system: Verify the macros currently installed on a single system.
  • Check macros on all systems: Verify the macros currently installed across all systems.


  • PowerShell Core (pwsh) installed on your machine.
  • Windows only. MacOS not supported at this time.
  • Cisco systems with administrative access.
  • Direct network connectivity to the Cisco systems over port 443
  • CSV file with the following headers: system name, ip address, username, password.
  • A CSV template is provided in the repository.
  • Macro files in .js format or Pexip OTJ macros in a ZIP directory.
  • By default, the scripts will bypass certificate validaiton to remove any issues that may arise with self-signed certs. If you require certificate vlaidation the script can be modified.



Run the MainMenu.ps1 script to launch the tool.:

pwsh ./MainMenu.ps1 You will be presented with a menu to choose from:

Choose an option:

  1. Upload Pexip OTJ macros
  2. Upload .js macros
  3. Remove macros
  4. Check macros on specific system
  5. Check macros on all systems
  6. Remove UI extensions
  7. Exit Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6):

Detailed Steps

1. Upload Pexip OTJ macros

Enter the path to your CSV file and the directory containing the Pexip OTJ ZIP files. Review the number of matching and non-matching systems, and confirm to proceed with the upload.

How It Works:

  • Provide the full path of the completed CSV.
  • Ensure the CSV includes the System Name, IP Address, Username, and Password. Spaces in system names are allowed.
  • Provide the directory where OTJ ZIP files exist. No other files or subdirectories should be in the main directory.
  • The OTJ ZIP files should follow the naming convention The system name in the CSV must match the system name in the ZIP file.
  • Confirm the upload.
  • The tool iterates through the CSV and, for any matching ZIP files, extracts to a temporary folder and uploads the corresponding macros to the corresponding systems.
  • Log File: UploadPexipOTJMacros.log

2. Upload .js macros

Enter the path to your CSV file and the directory containing the .js files. Review the number of .js files found and the number of systems in the CSV file, and confirm to proceed with the upload.

How It Works:

  • Provide the full path of the completed CSV.
  • Provide the directory where .js files exist. Ensure no non-.js files or subdirectories are present.
  • Confirm the upload.
  • The tool iterates through the CSV and uploads all macros to all systems.
  • Log File: UploadJsMacros.log

3. Remove macros

Enter the path to your CSV file and specify the macros to remove (comma-separated). Review the number of systems found in the CSV file, and confirm to proceed with the removal.

How It Works:

  • Provide the full path of the completed CSV.
  • Specify the macro names to be removed. The macro name must match exactly as it appears on the systems. Multiple macros can be provided by using commas.
  • Confirm the removal.
  • The tool iterates through the CSV and removes all specified macros from all systems.
  • Log File: RemoveMacros.log

4. Check macros on a specific system

Enter the IP address or hostname of the specific system to check. The tool will display the list of installed macros on that system.

How It Works:

  • Enter the system’s IP address or hostname.
  • The tool retrieves and displays the list of macros installed on the specified system.
  • Log File: CheckMacrosOnSystem.log

5. Check macros on all systems

Enter the path to your CSV file. The tool will display the list of installed macros on all systems in the CSV.

How It Works:

  • Provide the full path of the completed CSV.
  • The tool iterates through the CSV and retrieves the list of macros installed on each system.
  • Log File: CheckMacrosOnAllSystems.log
  • Logging
  • Each function generates a log file in the same directory as the script. The log files contain detailed information about the operations performed, including successful and failed attempts.

6. Remove UI Extensions

Enter the path to your CSV file and specify the macros to remove (comma-separated). Review the number of systems found in the CSV file, and confirm to proceed with the removal.

How It Works:

  • Provide the full path of the completed CSV.
  • Specify the UI Extension Panel IDs to be removed. The Panel ID name must match exactly as it appears on the systems. Multiple Panel IDs can be provided by using commas.
  • Confirm the removal.
  • The tool iterates through the CSV and removes all specified UI Extension Panels from all systems.
  • Log File: RemoveUIExtensions.log

7. Exit

Exits the Main script and macro tool.


  • UploadPexipOTJMacros.log: Logs for uploading Pexip OTJ macros.
  • UploadJsMacros.log: Logs for uploading .js macros.
  • RemoveMacros.log: Logs for removing macros.
  • CheckMacrosOnSystem.log: Logs for checking macros on a specific system.
  • CheckMacrosOnAllSystems.log: Logs for checking macros on all systems.
  • RemoveUIExtensions.log: Logs for removing UI Extension Panels.


Feel free to submit issues and pull requests to improve the tool.